Shipping Containers

Yellow Deck Services has an extensive network of leasing companies, dealers and other sources continuously providing us with quality used container handlers that are priced to sell. All the container handlers we sell are inspected by qualified container handler service technicians. We service and repair equipment as needed to deliver a piece of equipment that is ready to go to work.  Our honesty, integrity and excellent customer service will make Yellow Deck your trusted resource in the USA.

Standard Shipping Containers

Grade A, marine surveyed & certified containers 20′ and 40′


Prices & availability vary. Contact us for current pricing

High Cube Shipping Containers

Grade A, marine surveyed & certified containers 40′ and 45′


Prices & availability vary. Contact us for current pricing

Refrigerated Shipping Containers

Grade A, marine surveyed & certified containers 20′ and 40′


Prices & availability vary. Contact us for current pricing

Open Top Shipping Containers

Grade A, marine surveyed & certified containers 20′ and 40′


Prices & availability vary. Contact us for current pricing

Flush Folding Flat Racks

Marine surveyed & certified flat racks 20′ and 40′


Prices & availability vary. Contact us for current pricing

Contact us to locate the equipment you need!

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